libBiscuit: A simple iRobot Create C API

For my senior design project at my university, my group and I decided to attempt to make a robot out of an iRobot Create, Windows tablet, and Kinect that would find a person and follow him or her around a room and allow the person to control the Create with gestures and speech recognition. We called all this Project Asimov, and at the time of this writing, it’s still under development. However, one of the first pieces of code that needed written was an API to more easily interface with the Create. Thus, after some experimentation and a thorough reading of the Create Open Interface, I had a working API written in C called libBiscuit. Why? Because the Create sort of looks like a biscuit and I like biscuits.

Anyway, first up, all the code is open source and on GitHub under the LGPL. Moreover, a quick overview of the functions, compiling instructions, and basic usage are in the README in the GitHub repo so I won’t repeat all that here. However, here’s a short example program that uses libbiscuit to control the Create.

StairLights: An Arduino-based LED stair lighting project

I’m a big fan of LED lighting; especially interactive LED lighting so over the past two or so months I was working on a little side project that uses an Arduino Uno to read two IR receivers for beam breaks at the top and bottom of my stairs and shows an LED pattern while the person is walking up or down the stairs. All the code is open source on GitHub under the LGPL.

First, here’s the finished product in action:

Writing custom data to NFC tags with Android example

I wanted to add NFC functionality to my RelayRemote project but found the amount of examples about writing custom data to an NFC tag on Android very lacking. The Android docs have a bunch of info on basic NFC and how it works, but for actually writing the data to the tag, they try to push you to some convenience functions that were added in Jelly Bean (4.1). Unless you’re targeting Jelly Bean and up (not likely at the time of this writing), it doesn’t help to use these functions.

In my case, I wanted to write the ID of a relay to turn on/off to the tag, which would then be read, have the ID looked up in the database, and let the network thread class send the data to the server. The first step in this process was writing the NFC tag. To do this, we set up a pending intent with an intent that has the data to write to the tag in it. Android will execute this pending intent the next time a tag comes into range. Basically, what we’re doing is putting the device into a sort of write mode where when a tag comes into contact, Android will get our app a callback and we’ll try to write our data to the tag.

The intent setup looks something like:

// Construct the data to write to the tag
// Should be of the form [relay/group]-[rid/gid]-[cmd]
String nfcMessage = relay_type + "-" + id + "-" + cmd;

// When an NFC tag comes into range, call the main activity which handles writing the data to the tag
NfcAdapter nfcAdapter = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(context);

Intent nfcIntent = new Intent(context, Main.class).addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP);
nfcIntent.putExtra("nfcMessage", nfcMessage);
PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, nfcIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
IntentFilter tagDetected = new IntentFilter(NfcAdapter.ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED);

nfcAdapter.enableForegroundDispatch((Activity)context, pi, new IntentFilter[] {tagDetected}, null);
Controlling a relay via an Arduino from an Android client with NFC

Over the past few weeks I’ve been working on a small project that allows me to control electrical relays from an Arduino over the network from Android and C clients. It’s been delayed slightly from finals, holidays and power outages thanks to snow storms, but below is a demo of the first complete version.

Looking for the source code or instructions on how to set up your own?

The whole project aims to be as simple as possible. As can be seen in the demo video above, the hardware setup consists of an Arduino Uno, Arduino ethernet shield, PowerSwitch Tail II relay, two wires connecting the relay to the Arduino, and power and ethernet for the Arduino.

Why it's a bad idea to have duplicate MAC addresses on a LAN

I’ve been using some of my time during winter break to wrap up my RelayRemote project. Without going into much detail, RelayRemote is a small project I started which allows control of an electrical relay though an Arduino server from an Android or C client over a network. I originally started the project with one Arduino and one relay, but after having a rough proof of concept working I decided to add support for multiple servers so I bought another Arduino and another relay. When I was working with only one Arduino, communicating with it over the network from my Android app was nearly instantaneous (less than a second). However, when I added a second Arduino to the mix, things became very slow; less than a second to > 15 seconds. The Arduino’s had different IP addresses and did work, just very slowly so what was slowing things down?

The answer is in the title of this post, but let’s pretend otherwise for a moment. I started trying to track down what was causing the slow down. First up, I used bash to time how long it took my C client on my computer to send a message to one of the Arduinos. In this case, I was asking the state of the pins on the Arduino.